Diamond Drilling Services is a manufacturer of diamond drill bits. Given the high value of the product, the customer wishes to tailor the quality of the packaging.
Diamond Drilling Services is a manufacturer of diamond drill heads, which are used for large scale drilling. The drill bits are transported from the production unit to the customer's address. The transport is global and has to be very solid. Diamond Drilling Services wanted to tailor the quality of its packaging to the high added value of the products. Engels Logistics was asked to prepare a proposal.
For the new packaging, all the functionalities of the existing packaging should be retained. With an additional requirement, a better look and feel value. The packaging Engels proposed is made by rotation molding. Plastic is applied to a mold which is then rotated in an oven. The plastic spreads along the walls of the mold and melts there. Then the mold is cooled again. After cooling down the plastic retains the shape of the mould and a new product is born. Advantages rotomoulding The packaging is designed to be suitable for 3 types of drill heads. Each individual package can carry a load of 80 kilos. The packaging can be stacked per pallet and offer a good protection against the precious diamond heads that are transported.

Old versus new packaging